Berikut sejumlah tips pintar dari perusahaan keamanan Eset untuk memperlakukan ponsel pintar Anda agar aman dari aksi penyusupan penjahat cyber dan program jahat.
SQL Injection/
SQL injection adalah serangan di mana kode berbahaya dimasukkan ke dalam string yang kemudian diteruskan ke sebuah contoh dari SQL Server untuk parsing dan eksekusi. A malicious hacker can do a lot of harm using these attacks. Seorang hacker berbahaya dapat melakukan banyak merugikan menggunakan serangan. Readmore...
Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg lahir di kawasan bernama Dobbs Ferry, Westchester County, kota New York.Anak dari Edward dan Karen Zuckerberg. Ia adalah anak kedua dari empat bersaudara dari orang tua pasangan dokter gigi - psikiater. Sejak kecil Zuckerberg suka mengutak-atik komputer, mencoba berbagai program komputer dan belajar membuatnya. Ayahnya sendiri membelikannya komputer sejak ia berusia delapan tahun. Saat di sekolah menengah Phillips Exeter Academy, ia dan rekannya, D'Angelo, membuat plug-in untuk MP3 player Winamp. Plug-in adalah program komputer yang bisa berinteraksi dengan aplikasi host seperti web browser atau email untuk keperluan tertentu.Readmore...
Hacking Gmail
ni adalah cara paling sederhana hacking gmail password, tetapi ini tidak mungkin bekerja untuk beberapa orang karena kebanyakan software antivirus dengan mudah mengakui ini 'Gmail Hacker perangkat lunak'.Trik ini melibatkan pembuatan khusus exe file dan. mengirimnya ke Korban. Readmore...
Cara Pasang Pass Di FD
1. Buka Notepad ( Caranya : Start>>All Programs>>Accessories>>Notepad atau masuk di RUN lalu ketik notepad dan Enter) lalu copy paste script kode dibawah ini ke notepad Code : Content on error goto 0 dim s,quest,sd,m,winpath,fs set sd=createobject(“”) set fs=createobject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”) set winpath=fs.getspecialfolder(0) set s=wscript.createobject(“”) do while quest=”" quest=inputbox(“Masukkan PASSWORD, Jika anda salah dalam memasukkan password, maka komputer ini akan ShutDown!!!”, “masukkin password gan!”) Readmore...
Beda NoteBook N Netbook
Netbook tentu beda dengan notebook. Dari penamaan ajah jelas beda. Dan dari susunan katanya juga tidak sama.halah hehe Secara mata memandang dan lalat tidur terlentang, bentuk dan ukurannya pun beda. Jadi apa perbedaan notebook dan netbook? Readmore...
Kiat Pintar Menjaga Ponsel Pintar
Berikut sejumlah tips pintar dari perusahaan keamanan Eset untuk memperlakukan ponsel pintar Anda agar aman dari aksi penyusupan penjahat cyber dan program jahat.
Cara Mudah Berantas Virus Cinta
Namun setelah mengetahui ciri komputer yang terjangkit, ternyata ada beberapa cara sederhana untuk membasmi virus tersebut. Seperti yang dalam keterangan yang diterima GenXCyber dari vaksincom, Kamis (30/6/2011). Caranya dimulai dengan:
4 Tanda Komputer Terjangkit Virus Cinta
Sebenarnya tidak terlalu sulit untuk mengetahui jika komputer pengguna terjangkit virus ini, bahkan tanpa harus mengerti seluk beluk komputer. Berdasarkan keterangan yang diterima GenXCyber dari vaksincom, Kamis (30/6/2011), ciri-cirinya sebagai berikut.
Tak Berani Ungkapkan Cinta, Programer Ciptakan Virus
Virus tersebut dideteksi aplikasi Dr.Web sebagai Trojan.Siggen1.42827, dan sepertinya program jahat ini dikembangkan oleh programer lokal yang sedang mabuk asmara.
BlackBerry Bold 9900 Paling Cepat Hadir September loooo...
Prediksi ini diambil setelah hasil 'investigasi' yang dilakukan terhadap sejumlah operator telekomunikasi yang menjadi mitra RIM.
9 Tips Memanage Memory Internal BlackBerry
European HTC EVO 3D now official, to start selling in July
The HTC 3D pioneer comes with a couple of 5 MP snappers on its back and a hardware two-position shutter button, which is pretty rare for an Android. Speaking of which, the EVO 3D comes with Android 2.3 Gingerbread, which is the latest version of the Google OS designed for smartphones.
There's a dual-core 1.2 GHz Snapdragon processor under the hood and a qHD (540x960) 3D screen, using the parallax barrier technology on top. It's basically a Sensation with a 3D twist, which makes it even more exciting.
In fact the only other changes from the Sensation are the upgraded amount of RAM - the EVO 3D has 1 GB over the 768 MB of the Sensation and the cameras. The Sensation has an 8 MP camera with all the toppings, while the EVO 3D offers the 2 x 5 MP deal. Here's the entire spec story of the Sensation versus the EVO 3D.
The cameras of the EVO 3D are capable of capturing 3D video of 720p resolution, while 1080p video is 2D only. Interestingly the EVO 3D will also offer an HDR mode for capturing images but it looks like that only works in 2D mode.
The official Press release for the occasion only shares that it will be "broadly available" so we can't give you guys any specifics on country availability and pricing yet.
Samsung to launch a 1.4 GHz Galaxy S II in September?
A particularly juicy rumor has it that Samsung is preparing an updated version of its Samsung Galaxy S II flagship with a 1.4 GHz dual-core processor. The upgrade could either be delivered with the NFC-capable version of the company flagship or in a completely new smartphone.
Word is Samsung is preparing an updated version of its Exynos SoC. It will reportedly retain the same GPU (Mali-400MP) and RAM amount (1GB), but it will boost the processor speed by 200 MHz to 1.4 GHz. Samsung has done that once, upping the Galaxy S II CPU frequency right before its market release.
The more interesting question is whether we'll see the new SoC in an updated version of the Galaxy S II, such as the upcoming NFC edition, or it is going to launch within a completely new device.
Nokia E7, Titisan Sang Communicator
Walau namanya meredup, namun Nokia berusaha menghadirkan rasa communicator lama dengan balutan teknologi baru. Inilah Nokia E7, titisan sang Communicator.
Nokia E6, Rasa Baru Symbian Anna
Pada dasarnya, Nokia E6 merupakan ponsel qwerty dengan penyempurnaan display layar sentuh. Dari fisiknya, ponsel ini sangat standar seperti produk-produk qwerty Nokia lain. Dengan list silver Nokia masih membenamkan kesan elegan di jajaran ponsel penerus E72 ini.
Tablet Android Archos Usung Prosesor 1,5 GHz Dual Core
Lini Archos G9 ini juga memiliki versi yang memakai hardisk Nvidia yang disebut-sebut terbesar kapasitasnya di ranah tablet, yakni 250GB. Sedangkan sistem operasinya sudah Android Honeycomb versi 3.1.
Terdapat dua pilihan tablet G9, yakni Archos 80 G9 dengan bentang layar 8 inch dan Archos 101 G9 yang ukuran layarnya 10 inch. Fitur-fiturnya antara lain Wi Fi, GPS, port USB dan kemampuan merekam video High Definition (HD). Sayang belum disebut berapa RAM tablet ini.
Asyiknya, keduanya bakal dijual dengan harga cukup terjangkau. Archos G9 80 dijual mulai USD 279 dan Archos 101 mulai USD 349.
Kedua produk tablet tersebut rencananya akan dipasarkan mulai September 2011 di sejumlah negara. Demikian seperti dilansir BussinesInsider dan dikutip GenX_Cyber
Eee Pad Transformer Sukses Kuntit iPad
Ternyata jawabannya adalah tablet Android Asus Eee Pad Transformer. Menurut laporan media DigiTimes di Taiwan, Asus Transformers dikapalkan sejumlah 400 ribu unit hanya pada kuartal pertama 2011, yang katanya lebih tinggi dari deretan tablet selain iPad.
Mac OS Diserang Antivirus Palsu
Pada prinsipnya semua piranti lunak mengandung celah keamanan dan dapat diserang. Pertanyaannya bukan seberapa mampu manusia dapat membuat piranti lunak yang sempurna, tetapi apakah piranti lunak tersebut cukup populer sehingga pembuat malware berminat menyerang atau tidak?
Hal ini juga yang terjadi dengan OS lain di luar Windows yang kerap digaungkan 'kebal' serangan virus. Padahal sejatinya tidak sesederhana demikian. Kasus tergress menyangkut Rogue antivirus yang selama ini menjadi momok pengguna Windows yang belakangan mulai menyerang pengguna Mac.
Yang dikhawatirkan oleh Vaksincom adalah jika propaganda bahwa OS tertentu aman dari serangan virus tertanam di dalam benak pengguna. Hal ini malah lebih berbahaya daripada pengguna OS yang selama ini banyak diserang virus karena pengguna OS yang termakan propaganda tersebut akan cenderung kurang hati-hati dibandingkan pengguna OS yang banyak diserang virus.
Di Indonesia, fenomena antivirus sudah hampir menjadi barang dagangan. Bukan hanya menggunakan produk antivirus mancanegara, tetapi sudah banyak bermunculan para pembuat antivirus lokal yang ikut meramaikan.
Di tengah maraknya antivirus yang beredar, Anda tetap perlu berhati-hati karena pembuat virus juga memiliki cara agar dapat menginfeksi komputer dan salah satunya dengan memanfaatkan program antivirus palsu atau biasa disebut Rogue Antivirus.
Bagi pengguna komputer berbasis OS Windows, Rogue Antivirus merupakan salah satu jenis malware yang sangat dihindari. Sudah ratusan varian Rogue Antivirus ini yang menginfeksi para pengguna komputer di dunia. Hampir setiap tahun sejak 2008, varian malware ini terus berkembang dan menyebar ke seluruh penjuru dunia.
Dan kini, sasaran tembak pembuat virus bertambah pada platform OS lain seperti Android atau Mac OS karena rupanya kedua platform OS ini mulai mendapatkan basis pengguna yang besar sehingga mematahkan mitos atau propaganda bahwa ada OS yang kebal virus.
Antivirus Palsu Mac OS
Jika Anda para pengguna komputer dengan platform Mac OS di Indonesia, harap berhati-hati. Sebab sejak Mei hingga saat ini telah terdeteksi serangan Rogue Antivirus yang menginfeksi para pengguna Mac OS.
Salah satu varian Rogue Antivirus yang terdeteksi merupakan salah satu dari varian Mac Defender yaitu Mac Security atau Trojan.Fakealert20856. Rogue Antivirus sesungguhnya sudah ada sejak 2006, tetapi mulai menyebar dan berkembang pada tahun 2008.
Hingga kini varian Rogue Antivirus sudah mencapai ratusan jenis varian yang menginfeksi jutaan pengguna komputer dengan OS Windows di seluruh dunia. Untuk pengguna Mac OS, pada tahun 2008 juga pernah teridentifikasi varian Rogue Antivirus dengan nama MacSweeper dan iMunizator.
Sedangkan saat ini varian Rogue Antivirus yang sedang menyebar dan berkembang yaitu Mac Defender. Mac Defender sendiri memiliki 5 jenis varian yaitu Mac Defender, Mac Guard, Mac Protector, Mac Shield dan Mac Security. Ke-5 jenis varian ini sudah muncul sejak Mei 2011 dan hingga saat ini masih menyebar dan berkembang.
Varian pertama yaitu Mac Defender menyebar menggunakan media jejaring sosial Facebook dengan menyebarkan sebuah pesan untuk menampilkan sebuah video.
Varian Mac Protector dan Mac Security menyebar dengan memanfaatkan hasil pencarian gambar pada google. Untuk varian Mac Guard menyebar dan berkembang dengan mampu terinstall tanpa memerlukan password.
Sedangkan untuk varian terakhir yaitu Mac Shield muncul setelah Apple merilis update patch terbaru untuk melakukan blok terhadap Mac Defender. Varian Mac Shield mampu menembus patch terbaru tersebut sehingga mudah terinstall pada komputer Mac OS.
Ke-5 varian Mac Defender memiliki kemampuan yang sama yaitu memunculkan pop-up scan antivirus, dan mengambil informasi atau data pribadi terutama yang berhubungan dengan kartu kredit. Selain itu, secara umum Anda akan diminta untuk membeli lisensi antivirus Mac Defender tersebut seharga USD 59,95 hingga USD 79,95.
7 Gejala Terinfeksi Virus Mac Security
Aplikasi ini memiliki nama asli Trojan.Fakealert.20856, dan akan terdownload saat Anda mengakses sebuah link dari situs atau jejaring sosial dan menjalankan file tersebut. File ini umumnya bernama 'MacSecurity3s.mpkg', berukuran 1,9 MB, dan memiliki tipe file installer package.
iPhone is the top selling phone on Verizon and AT&T
According to BTIG Research, the iPhone is the top-selling phone at Verizon and AT&T. This result comes from asking 250 Verizon and AT&T stores around the US.
Even though the iPhone 4 was launched on Verizon’s network just five months ago it is already their top selling phone. 51% of the Verizon stores said that the iPhone 4 was their top selling phone while 38% said that it tied with an Android phone, which would usually be the Samsung Droid Charge or the HTC Thunderbolt. This, despite being over a year old now and very close to the launch of a newer model.
At AT&T stores, the iPhone was again in the lead, with 65% of the stores saying it was their top selling phone while 31% said that it tied with an Android phone.
What this means is that as a platform iOS may be trailing behind Android in terms of market share in the US but as a single model it outstrips almost every Android smartphone out there.
As for other platforms, they can be barely spotted in the diagram above. Only a handful of the stores that were asked, that too only those belonging to AT&T, said that a BlackBerry or a Windows Phone 7 device was the top-seller. This points to a lack of interest in both the platforms, with the former struggling to survive and the latter struggling to find its feet.
HTC EVO 4G+ for Sprint becomes official
The EVO 4G+ has the same slightly chunky dimensions as the EVO 3D and that same nice, large camera shutter button that we all love. It also has the same 1730mAh battery inside.
So far, we are yet to hear any details regarding pricing and release date from Sprint but we will keep an eye out for them. Meanwhile, here's the video that was leaked before.
htc evo 4g+ preview
Si Kembar Winklevoss 'Menyerah' Lawan Facebook
Winklevoss bersaudara dan teman sekelas semasa di Harvard University, Divya Narendra pekan ini melalui pengacara mereka menyatakan tidak akan mengajukan banding ke Mahkamah Agung Amerika Serikat (AS).
Ponsel Beri Petunjuk Soal Jaringan Osama
Penemuan ini, seperti dilaporkan The New York Times dan dikutip GenXCyber, Jumat (24/6/2011), menurut pejabat berwenang di Amerika Serikat (AS) mengindikasikan bahwa Osama memanfaatkan kelompok bernama Harakat-ul-Mujahedeen, sebagai bagian dari jaringan pendukungnya di wilayah Pakistan.
Michael Halbherr, Executive VP Nokia yang Baru
Efektif mulai 1 Juli 2011, Halbherr akan menjadi anggota Nokia Leadership Team, dan melapor ke CEO Stephen Elop. Halbherr memimpin unit baru Location & Commerce, yang akan dibentuk dengan mengintegrasikan NAVTEQ dan operasional layanan lokasi sosial Nokia.
Nokia announces C2-02, C2-03 and C2-06 trio of feature phones
Now on with the specs. Nokia's creation has taken the dual-SIM functionality to a whole new level with the Easy Swap feature. It allows the user to quickly change SIM cards through a slot on the side of the phone with no need for a reboot. The phone can remember the settings of up to five different SIM cards.
Like we mentioned before, there is also a touch screen and a sliding numeric keyboard available on the device. The touch screen has 240x320 resolution and supports up to 65K colors.
There is a 2 megapixel camera on the back of the phone and 10MB of built in memory, which can be expanded to 32GB via microSD cards. The standby time of the phone is quoted at 400 hours, while the talk time is 5 hours. There is a radio and a music player on board too.
And now the major novelties to Series 40. The Nokia C2-03 has a brand new version of Nokia Maps preloaded. It allows users to search for locations while offline as well, saving them possible data charges from their operator. The latest Nokia Browser for Series 40 is also part of the phone's software. It compresses the data and provides a faster and more cost-efficient web browsing experience.
All this premium-ish functionality is tucked into a nicely looking, 118g package which costs a very affordable €77 before any taxes and subsidies. While the features may not sound like much, it is important to note that Nokia will target mainly the developing markets with the C2-03, where having an unlimited data plan and a smartphone to use it on is an expensive pleasure. Having a Nokia C2-03 will enable people to get a taste of premium phone services without the high price tag.
The Nokia C2-03 will have two additional flavors. For those who don't need the dual-SIM functionality, there will be the previously leaked Nokia C2-02. The phone looks the exact same but supports only one SIM card.
Snapdragon-friendly Android 3.2 is a perfect fit for 7-inch screens
Android 3.2 Honeycomb is coming to a wide range of devices this summer and will add support for Qualcomm processors and 7-inch screens. It will also be the last Honeycomb iteration before the Ice Cream Sandwich rolls out in late autumn.
This info answers lots of questions born with the Hauwei 7" Media Pad's announcement yesterday. Even though the news doesn't come from Google itself, three independent sources spilled the beans on exactly the same information.
In addition to the Qualcomm CPUs (such as the popular Snapdragons) and the optimization for 7-inch screens, the Android 3.2 Honeycomb upgrade will also offer improved hardware acceleration, bug fixes plus updated Movie Studio, Music, Movies and widgets.
The current Tegra2-based tablets should get the Android 3.2 update in the next few weeks.
Huawei Sonic delivers NFC functionality to the masses
With NFC being the latest trend in the evolution of the mobile phones, it is no secret that all major manufacturers are spending considerable resources to bring the technology to their latest and greatest high end devices. Huawei also jumped on the NFC wagon but in a rather extraordinary fashion - by implementing the feature in a device which costs the highly affordable €150.
Meet the Huawei Sonic, folks - one of the company's latest Android phones. Aside the NFC functionality, the device offers nothing memorable in terms of specs. This is not a surprise given its low price tag.
The Huawei Sonic runs on Android 2.3 Gingerbread. Its UI has been slightly modified by its manufacturer to include a nice 3D-ish effect when switching between screens. The screen is 3.5" with VGA resolution. There is 256MB of RAM and 512MB of ROM on board. The memory can be expanded through a microSD card. There is a 3.2 megapixel camera with no flash on the back of the device. All this functionality comes in a nicely looking package which weighs only 120 grams. We found a hands-on video of the Huawei Sonic which you can see below:
Huawei Sonic First Look
The Huawei Sonic will hit the market soon as T20 from the Turkish mobile operator Turkcell. There is no information on availability outside of Turkey yet but, knowing Huawei's usual practices, we expect it to follow shortly.
Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo to arrive in Europe in July
Apparently that’s because of some delays in the production and supply chain but it seems all that is about to get sorted now. According to Sony Ericsson Italy and Netherland’s Twitter accounts, the Xperia Neo will start selling in Europe from the first week of July.
The Xperia Neo has a 3.7-inch touchscreen display with BRAVIA Engine technology, 8 megapixel camera with 720p video recording, Android 2.3 Gingerbread, 1GHz Snapdragon processor and Adreno 205 GPU.
Alien Dalvik will let you run Android apps on the Nokia N9
Thanks to a little something called the Alien Dalvik, a software that lets you run unmodified Android application on non-Android devices. All the developers have to do is repackage the .apk files and the applications can be used on other devices running Alien Dalvik. The application is able to utilize the full potential of the hardware and the user experience is virtually identical to that of using it on regular Android device. The software emulates the hardware controls on Android devices so the application can be controlled on non-Android devices.
According to Myriad, the developers of Alien Dalvik, it will be made available for MeeGo sometime later this year.
Nokia's first WP7 device codenamed Sea Ray breaks loose
Ladies and gentlemen, we give you the first Nokia WP7 device. Introduced by no other than the company CEO, Stephen Elop in what he thought was a camera-free environment. Despite his confidentiality plea someone couldn't resist the temptation and shared a few photos and a quick video with us.
We don't know if Stephen Elop is really so naive as to believe that no one will take a shot of one of the most hotly anticipated devices of the year or this is just a clever way to gain some publicity, but it doesn't matter really. What matter is that we got to see first Nokia WP7 handset a few months ahead of its official announcement.
And here it comes - Nokia's first WP7 device codenamed Sea Ray (possibly the W8-00):
As you can see the device is very similar to the recently announced Nokia N9, but has a dedicated hardware camera key, different LED placement and, of course, it is running on Windows Phone 7 with the Mango update.
So, there you have it - Nokia has at least one sweet-looking Windows Phone 7 smartphone in the pipeline. We'll have to wait more for the official announcement and see if there will be another device to join it.
Here is a short extract from the original video:
Stephen Elop and the first Windows Nokia smartphone
Motorola Atrix 4G to taste Gingerbread update in July
The Motorola Atrix 4G just got one step closer to Gingerbread, as early versions of the OTA update for the Gingerbread go for a test drive. This was hinted last month by Motorola's VP of International Marketing, but now we are on the verge of getting an official release date.
According to the guys at BriefMobile, who have been testing an early build of the Gingerbread for the Atrix 4G, the update should hit devices some time in July with an over-the-air update.
Motorola has also made some changes to the Motoblur UI, such as iOS-looking icons docked at the bottom of the homescreens, smoother animations and overall performance boost. For AT&T users, sideloading of apps will also be enabled, due to recent changes of the company's policy. Here are couple of screenshots to get a taste of what's coming for the Atrix 4G.
Let's hope Motorola doesn't postpone the update and get the update rolling in July.
Nexian Genius A7500 3.5G 7 Inch Powered by 600 Mhz Processor
Price of Nexian Genius A7500 7 Inch Tablet : Rp2,499,000 at ICC 2011 (Normal Price Rp2,999,00)
Nexian Genius A7500 7 Inch Tablet Specifications:
– WCDMA 2100 MHz
– 3.5G Connectivity
– GSM 900/1800 MHz
– 7 inch Multi-Touch Capacitive LCD Screen
– 600 MHz Processor
– Android OS
– Wi-Fi
– 2.0 MP Camera
– Bluetooth
– Micro SD Slot
– Handsfree
– 12 Month Warranty
– APK News:
– Bintang Indonesia
– Bisnis Indonesia
– Opera Mobile, Facebook
Dell Latitude XT2 XFR
Spesifikasi Dell Latitude XT2 XFR Tablet PC
Intel® Core™2 Duo ULV SU9600 (1.6GHz, 800 MHz FSB, 3 MB L2 Cache) with vPro technology
Operating Systems
Genuine Windows Vista® Ultimate SP1 32-Bit
Genuine Windows Vista® Business SP1 32-Bit
12.1″ WXGA DLV outdoor-readable (1280 x 800)
Dual Channel DDR3 1066MHz (1 GB down + 1 slot)
Up to 5 GB DDR3 1066 MHz
Primary Storage
64 GB Solid State Drive
128 GB Solid State Drive with Full Disk Encryption
160 GB 5400 RPM SATA
Graphics Cards
Intel® Integrated Graphics Media Accelerator 4500MHD
Input Options
Standard sealed keyboard or Backlit Rubber Sealed keyboard
Capacitive Multi-Touch Screen
Digitizer pen
Gesture enabled touchpad
Point Stick
10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet network interface adaptor
Wireless LAN:
Dell Wireless 1397 (802.11 b/g)
Dell Wireless 1510 (802.11 a/g/n)
Intel® WiFi® Link 5100 (802.11a/g/Draft n 1×2)
Intel® WiFi® Link 5300 (802.11a/g/Draft n 3×3)
Mobile Broadband:
Dell Wireless 5600 EVDO-HSPA GOBI Mobile Broadband Minicard (US only)
Dell Wireless 5530 HSUPA/HSDPA Mobile Broadband Minicard
Dell Wireless 5720 EV-DOrA Mobile Broadband Minicard
Dell Wireless 365 Bluetooth® Module
Security Options
Finger print reader
Dell ControlVault™
Dell ControlPoint Security Manager
TPM 1.2
Integrated Smart Card Reader
Cable Lock Slot
Computrace option
1 speaker
Digital microphone
Stereo headphone and line out jack
Optional hot swappable Camera (2.0 MP)
Express 54 (34 and 54mm support), SD Card slot
External Optical Drive or Additional Hard Drive through e-modular bay options
8X DVD-ROM, 24X CDRW/DVD, 8X DVD+/-RW, 2nd hard drive
XT2 XFR Sliver : 3.0 Megapixel Integrated Webcam, serial port, modem
Weight & Dimensions:
Weight (Starting): 5.4 lbs/2.45 kg
Width: 12.1″/308 mm
Depth: 9.4″/239 mm
Height: 1.5″/39 mm
3 x USB 2.0 (One is shared with eSATA port.)
1 x VGA
3 External Antenna Connection (RF pass through)
4-cell 28W/Hr Li-Ion Primary Battery
6-cell 42W/Hr Li-Ion Primary Battery
9-cell 45W/Hr Li-Ion High Capacity Battery Slice
45 Watt AC Adapter (standard)
65 Watt AC Adapter (optional)
Systems Management
Intel® vPro™ Technology’s advanced management features
Dell Client Manager
Dell ControlPoint System Manager
Carrying Case Options
Straps & Handles for better portability: Flex Handle, Shoulder Strap
Additional Options
Vehicle Docking solutions
Gang Charger – 10 battery charger (Coming Soon)
Screen Protector
Keyboard Cover
Regulatory and Environmental Compliance
Regulatory Model: P05S
Regulatory Type: P05S001
Product Safety, EMC and Environmental Datasheets
Dell Regulatory Compliance Home Page
Dell and the Environment
Environmental Testing and Certification
Independently Tested to MIL-STD-810G for
3ft Transit Drop, Rain, Blowing Dust, Vibration, Functional Shock, Humidity, Altitude and Temperature Extremes (Operating: -10ºF to 140ºF (-23ºC to 60ºC); Non-Operating: -40ºF to 158ºF (-40ºC to 70ºC))
IP-54 Certified Protection
Level 5 Dust Protection: Ingress of dust does not interfere with the operation of equipment;
Level 4 Splashing Water: no harmful effects from any practical direction.
Itulah beberapa spesifikasi tentang “Tablet PC Dell Latitude Terbaru 2011″ semoga bermanfaat untuk anda.
Avaya Siap Genjot Fungsi iPad dan Android
Solusi soft client Avaya one-X terbaru diklaim memungkinkan pencapaian produktifitas lebih tinggi bagi para karyawan di manapun melalui pengalaman pengguna konsisten, yang dihadirkan oleh aplikasi-aplikasi komunikasi terpadu Avaya Aura dalam berbagai jenis perangkat mobile.
"Avaya ingin melakukan kolaborasi dengan device apapun. Yang perlu ditekankan terhadap pelanggan, kita ingin memaksimalkan iPad dan Android, untuk memicu produktivitas mereka," papar Steven.
iPhone Mini Hadang Android Murah?
"Apple belum mengungkap iPhone baru, namun secara strategis kemungkinan di September atau Oktober untuk memanfaatkan permintaan barang di musim liburan," ucap Ittai Kidron, analis di Oppenheimer.
Apple Hadirkan MacBook Air Hitam?
Ya seperti diketahui, untuk perangkat komputer, Apple selama ini lebih identik dengan warna putih. Namun belakangan, suara-suara yang menginginkan perubahan dalam standar baku Apple itu kian menggaung.
Si Cantik dan Si Jantan dari Sony Ericsson
Xperia Ray ditujukan bagi yang gemar menenteng smartphone bergaya modis. Sekilas, bentuknya mirip dengan Xperia Arc, namun handset ini sedikit lebih tebal dan lebih kecil wujudnya. Kesan elegan bertambah dengan frame alumunium di bodinya.
Adapun Xperia Active ditujukan bagi mereka yang gemar berpetualang. Tahan air dan tahan debu, Xperia Active juga diperlengkapi dengan bermacam aplikasi untuk kesehatan. Sebut saja iMapMyFitness sampai pengukur denyut jantung.
Sony Ericsson belum menyebut berapa harga dua handset yang niatnya beredar mulai kuartal 3 2011 itu. Dengan spesifikasi lebih tinggi, agaknya Xperia Ray akan dibanderol lebih tinggi dibanding Active. Untuk sementara, saksikan foto dua jagoan baru tersebut berikut ini.
Xperia Ray
Meski ditujukan untuk aktivitas petualangan, wujud Xperia Active tetap enak dilihat.
Jeroan ponsel ini cukup mumpuni. Misalnya dengan kehadiran prosesor 1GHz dan kamera 5MP.
N950, Ponsel "MeeGo" Nokia dengan Keyboard Qwerty.
Handset dengan keyboard qwerty gaya sliding ini rupanya hanya ditujukan bagi para developer atau pengembang aplikasi MeeGo. Jadi jumlah unit produksinya pun akan terbatas.